
Live from CNN

Live from CNN
五級颶風Hurricane Katrina 襲擊美國New Orlanes,預測整個小城會被颶風帶來的洪水沖毁。CNN整天連續報導,甚至派記者往New Orlanes各地報導。據報聯邦政府已在半天前疏散了當地成千上萬的居民。在大雨中,被大風吹得站也站不穩的記者們,穿著單薄的雨衣堅持現場為全世界報導颶風的最新消息。坐在電視機旁看,也不得不為他們抺一把汗。難得是在最艱難的情況,記者們仍可保持鎮定和幽默﹐發揮專業精神。
身在New Orlanes報導居民撤離消息的記者:"Thousands and thousands of people are on the road, heading out the city. As Katrina getting closer and closer, the weather is getting worse and worse."
主播問:"So how about sandbag? Did you see anyone put them on?"
記者想也沒有想:"Sandbag? No, no, no, no one is puting it. People are hurry to leave. And the officers check door to door and just urge people to leave as soon as people."
主播問身在斷電的難民暫留處的記者:"How are you doing there? How is everybody?"
明顯當地訊息接收有問題,記者回話說:"Hello? Hello? I can't hear you, don't know what you said. Anyway, I will tell you what happens here...."
