
As good as it gets

As good as it gets
重看"As good as it gets",真是一套好戲!
絶句 (1):
Carol 請假,換了一個較胖的女孩子來招呼Melvin。Melvin見了很意外,毫不客氣地對她說:"Go away elephant girl, get me Carol."
絶句 (2):
Carol 對Melvin說,"You know, I thought you were handsome when you first came to the restaurant. Of course, then you spoke."
絶句 (3):
當Melvin惹火了Carol,Carol 要他說一些稱讚她的話。Melvin沒頭沒腦地說了一堆開場白,一會兒說自己患了強迫症,一會兒說醫生要他服吃某藥,因那藥對他的病情有幫助,令他可以過得「正常些」。但他對吃藥很反感,所以一直沒有吃……Carol 聽了一半已失去了耐性,忍不住對他大唬。他才吞吞吐吐地說:"I took the pills this morning."
Carol 等不到她想聽的讚美,很生氣,起身要離開。
Melvin急叫着,"my point is...you make me wanna be a better man."
Carol 聽後呆了,"That is the best compliment I ever heard."
