"The scoreboard says I lost today, but what scoreboard doesn't say is what it is I have found. Over the last 21 years I have found loyalty; you have pulled for me on the court and also in life. I have found inspiration. You have willed me to succeed, sometimes even in my lowest moments. And I have found generosity. You have given me your shoulders to stand on to reach for my dreams; dreams I could never have reached without you. Over the the last 21 years I have found you and I will take you and the memory of you with me for the rest of my life." ~ Andre Agassi
5 則留言:
點解又番黎 blogspot 呢?
早陣子想upload一些相在sinablog,發現效果不太理想之餘,步驟也較繁複(要先upload在sinablog才可以在文中插圖,試過好幾次文章寫了一半想插圖,又要先回到upload相的版面,加上我的電腦會自動block pop-ups,每次都要temp allow才可以繼續,若之前沒有先save文章,結果文章會在refresh的過程中不知所踪,要再打,唉!)……插圖還是blogspot比較就手方便。
no ar! I also post my photos which is linked to fotki wor!
what is fotki?
photo hosting site, similar to flickr.